Stratos — Everything you need to know about Mining STOS

Stratos Official
7 min readOct 1, 2021


1. What is Stratos?

Stratos is redefining the decentralized data infrastructure by tapping into the most innovative solutions designed to help the Blockchain industry get rid of the dependency of centralized infrastructure. With the goal of providing users and developers with a reliable storage architecture, we offer one-of-a-kind features, such as high availability, self-balanced storage, high performance database, trusted computation, and more for a solid foundation for data adoption.

Stratos is best positioned to support data storage and adoption in this ever-expanding digital economy. We take the complicated technical science of blockchain and make it easy for projects, developers and users to access and leverage.

2. What are the different ways to mine STOS?

Stratos is composed of 4 modules and 3 layers.The four modules are blockchain, decentralized storage, decentralized database and decentralized computing. The three layers are the value layer, the resource layer and the meta service layer. Each layer corresponds to a different consensus algorithm. The value layer uses Proof-of-Stake (PoS), the resource layer uses Proof-of-Traffic (PoT), and the meta service layer uses Proof-of-Authority(PoA).

The 3 layers are also 3 different nodes. Miners can choose to join the Stratos network according to different hardware specifications and requirements. Traffic rewards will be distributed proportionally to three different nodes. Resource nodes can receive 60% rewards for mining, metadata nodes can get 20% rewards, and value nodes can enjoy 20% rewards.

3. Is there a lock-up period for mining STOS?

All traffic rewards and mining rewards will have a lock-up period of 14 days. An Active Resource Node needs to send a transaction to unregister from the Stratos blockchain when it wants to exit, and it can only shutdown after the 14-day cooling-off period. If the requirements are not met, the locked reward will be fully canceled and returned back to the pool.

4. Is there a lock-up period for the deposit of mining nodes?

The Resource Node can get his deposit STOS back 14 days after deactivation if the locked 180 days period has passed or 14 + remaining days from the 180 days lock period.

Example: if a Resource Node deposits 1000 STOS to activate on day 1 of the year, and deactivate on day 150 of the year, he can only get his deposit back on day 194 of the year. Or if the node deactivates on day 190 of the year, he can only get his deposit back on day 204 of the year.

The Resource Node will also cover the data replica migration traffic fees with his unvested reward and deposit, since the whole network will consume resources to properly backup the data held by the quitting resource node. The traffic is charged the same way as user upload/download.

5. What are the recommended hardware requirements for the resource nodes to mine Stratos ?

Recommended hardware requirements: CPU i5 4 cores, 16GB memory, 2TB hard disk, 100M bandwidth

Unlike other projects, Stratos does not require expensive GPUs and high wattage power supplies, but if the node wants to obtain revenue, it needs to provide enough bandwidth and storage capacity to ensure the traffic on the node can reach the reward requirements.

6. What is STOS?

STOS is Stratos Token, the native token facilitating value circulation in the Stratos Ecosystem. The Stratos blockchain collects and verifies each task performed in the resource node of each data center, records the usage of specific computing modules, memory modules, and storage modules, and then writes to the chain after the consensus process. The service provider receives the Stratos token (STOS) directly which is calculated by the smart contracts. Users of data mesh will directly pay Stratos Token (STOS) based on usage of resources.

Here are STOS token utilities:

💎 STOS will be staked/delegated to validators to secure the Blockchain network.

💎 STOS will be issued as Proof-of-Traffic mining reward.

💎 STOS will be consumed in the payment of the transaction fee.

💎 STOS will be prepaid for Stratos Resource Network service traffic fee.

7. When can we start mining STOS?

At present, Stratos blockchain testnet has been launched, the storage testnet will be launched in October, the incentive testnet will be following in Q4 2021, and the Stratos mainnet will be launched in early 2022.

Miners are welcome to participate when the incentive testnet is launched.

8. Does STOS have a penalty mechanism?

Stratos determines whether to downgrade the node through monitoring the execution of the node’s task, as a punishment for the nodes that are unable to provide stable and efficient traffic and services.

9. In addition to holding STOS, for individual investors, does Stratos support personal PCs to participate in mining?

Everyone is welcome after the mainnet launch, whether he is a professional miner with a small data center or a personal miner with only one personal computer. In terms of hardware, Stratos is different from other hard disk mining projects. The consensus algorithm of mining STOS is Proof of Traffic (PoT) instead of Proof of Storage (PoS). This means that if a machine wants to handle higher concurrent traffic, the overall performance required needs to be higher. The overall performance of a machine is determined by machine computation capability, storage capacity, and network bandwidth. What we require is the machines that have overall good performance and bandwidth. If the overall performance is poor, the Stratos network won’t transfer traffic to such a machine. In this way, we ensure that the entire Stratos network is always operating efficiently.

10. What is the Stratos token economy?

Just like Ethereum, Stratos also charges a gas fee per transaction. But for Stratos core consensus Proof of Traffic, the traffic token used is Ozone. Stratos’ token economyis mainly developed around “Ozone”, which is the traffic unit in the ecosystem

  1. With the expansion of the Stratos network, more and more people will prepay for the services provided by the Stratos network. Then, the price of “Ozone” (Ozone) will rise, which truly reflects the growth of demand.

2. As more and more miners join the Stratos network, the supply of “ozone” will increase and the price of “ozone” will drop.

3. “Ozone” is the measurement of all activities in the resource network.

4. The STOS token is the value circulating in the Stratos ecosystem

11. How does Stratos’ unique PoT (Proof of Traffic) work?

In the real world, the volume of traffic and the number of active users are most commonly used indicators of the value of internet companies. Traffic brings more attention which leads to huge commercial value and benefits. Therefore, using traffic to verify the value provided by each node is very much required.

From another perspective, if a node needs to handle higher concurrent traffic, the overall performance of the node needs to be higher. The overall performance of a node is determined by computing power, storage, and network bandwidth. Therefore, motivating the miners using the consensus mechanism of PoT will be much healthier and more effective than PoS or PoW. Miners will not just focus on storage or workload but need to focus on overall performance and increase the network bandwidth of each machine so that the Stratos network can ensure the health and efficiency of the network during high-speed expansion.

12. How to obtain STOS tokens and how can token holders participate in the Stratos ecosystem and obtain growth dividends from it?

Holders of STOS tokens will have the opportunity to obtain long-term increasing income through the following methods:

  • STOS can have deposit profits on Stratos blockchain nodes
  • If you plan to participate in Stratos blockchain nodes or resource nodes, you are required to deposit STOS
  • As the Stratos ecosystem continues to grow, the demand for STOS will rise, so holding STOS long-term itself will be a high return investment

13. When will Stratos be listed on CEX?

As we all know, in the blockchain digital currency trading ecosystem, the exchange is very important, because it is the medium to connect the projects and investors. Therefore, Stratos is very cautious about the choice of exchanges. At present, many exchanges have contacted Stratos. Stratos will be listed on a top 10 CEX in October 2021, to receive latest news, please follow us on Twitter:

14. Who are the investors of Stratos?

Stratos are supported and backed by some leading VCs in the industry including Fundamental Labs, Kenetic Capital, Fenbushi Capital, Particle XYZ, Spark Digital Capital, Bixin Ventures, SNZ Holding, DFG Capital, and Nothing Research.

About Stratos

Stratos is the next generation of decentralized Data Mesh that provides a scalable, reliable, self-balanced storage, database, and computation network. Stratos is born for scaling blockchain process capacity while retaining the decentralized benefits of a distributed protocol including trustlessness, traceability, verifiability, privacy, and other competitive strengths.

Stratos is best positioned to support data storage and adoption for developers and users in this ever-expanding digital economy. Stratos strives to make decentralized data adoption easier for the blockchain industry and Web 3.0.

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Stratos Official

Building the next generation of decentralized data mesh for the blockchain industry and Web 3.0.